I'm basically new in newgrounds, because my devianart account got banned, i don't know if its permanent or temporary, but it was just for one simple mistake that i can fix but they are unforgivable a**holes, i might not get comfortable here, but the more i use newgrounds, the better it gets, so, i'm gonna bring arts that i made from deviantart, to here, just to appeal to the viewers i have and hearing their opinions, anyway, have a nice day everyone ;3
Newgrounds is much more "laid back". In general you can post your art "right away" with the only stipulation being it might take awhile to get scouted where you end up on the front page once in awhile. Still, it's nice to have a place to upload your work with minimal hassles! From what I've seen your works aren't violating the Geneva convention or a SCP so I think you'll be okay. lol.
Okay, thanks for giving me information about this site, i was having tough times figuring how this site works, but i got the hang of it and planning on getting my career back on track when i'm banned from deviantart temporarily or permanently, but again, thanks for telling me this X3